Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Ice Addict development.

This picture is very powerful, it shows the gradual, yet relatively rapid degenerative effects of a a drug addiction. In this case, it is crystal methamphetamine, which has quite obvious and extreme physical effects on the user as shown in this series of photos. It also demonstrates how aging is a process which accelerates and progresses at different rates for different people.

The main thing I took from this picture is how one initial change in behaviour and habits could create and dominate this woman's life for the next 10 years. Until, the initial change continued to grow and develop to a lethal level, causing her death. I am making an educated guess here, that this woman's lifestyle probably adapted and changed to her new habit. It also most likely affected her personal and family life to an irreparable level.

The image is confronting, but its quite a common occurrence. You sometimes even see similar cases on the street, which can be worrying because the drug causes the user to be unpredictable, violent and irrational.

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