Monday, October 26, 2009

Jamie's Ministry of Food.
Following Jamie Oliver's effort to change the eating habits of British schoolkids, he moved on to trying to transform the way the whole nation ate and saw food. It was a big goal, but Oliver had sufficient motivation, the thought of improving the overall knowledge of food in the country. He set out to release a set of recipes that could be easily cooked by anyone, including children and the elderley, which would then be passed on, until the skills was spread throughout and everyone could have at least a basic knowledge of food and cooking. Well, that was the plan anyway. What makes this example interesting is how it incorporates short and long term change. By the disappearance of passing on a skill to the next generation combined with the rise of convenience and pre-prepared foods. Contrasting to the Jamie's goal to rapidly spread food knowledge throughout the country through the passing on on recipes. There's no doubt that its ambitious, but with enough motivation it is possible. Things come in cycles and with the internet, television and other forms of modern communication it is easier to try and transform things on a large scale. Theres no guarantee, but its gathering momentum, just think of the snowball... or maybe a meatball...

Saturday, October 24, 2009

old facebook, new facebook.


I Hate The New Facebook.

The New Facebook is SHIT!



These are just a few of the groups that have been created in the first day after a "FACElift" to the Facebook homepage. While the changes are quite minor, many users of the popular social networking site (you have to use that phrase if you are talking about facebook in an analytical way) are clearly disapproving of the new design. It does however, show how even small seemingly insignificant changes can affect people in varying degrees. Why do people make such a big deal, and not welcome the changes? Because its new, and new can bring discomfort. It takes a while to adjust, it is not welcomed straight away, and it may take some time to recognise that the changes are for the better. This wave of joining groups that are disapproving of any alterations Facebook make has happened before, the last time Facebook radically changed its homepage, its look. People were pleading for it to be changed back, now in the first day of the changes, people are asking for it to be changed back to the Layout which caused such initial commotion. Interesting.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Median house price hits $480,000
Value is constantly changing, it manages to rise and fall and give an indication of a society's situation. Different aspects of Value change more frequently than others, with real estate being near the top of the list. "Property Boom", "Slumps" show how the realty market goes through periods of extreme highs, steady growth and of course, rapid drops. Houses are for most people the most "valuable (money wise)" thing that people own, which has remained constant for generations. The article explains that one of the reasons for the rise is the increased demand and insufficient supply, which causes prices to rise of other commodities such as oil. It is logical, when things are no longer abundant, their value increases. This is why the rarer something is or becomes usually has a higher money value than something that is readily available. When it comes down to it, people want rarity, they want to be in an exclusive group. They aren't sure how long it will last, but they want to be a part of it. So value is always changing, as it what is valuable, but not the desire to have something that you don't have, that, unlike many other things, remains constant.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

when threatened, announce new products...

Windows Vista, Microsoft's recent "advanced" operating system was released, and its fair to say that it was an utter failure. It had many issues and problems ranging from compatability to security and the infamous constant crashes and general unreliability of the system. Surprisingly, Microsoft did not deny that their product was failing on many aspects and in response released a new operating system Windows 7 (Points for creativity!). It took less than 2 years of Vista problems to spark this response my Microsoft, who were clearly sick of the negative reactions towards Vista, which they had high hopes and ambitions for. While it hasn't been out there long in the world of consumer electronics, so far the response has been positive. Maybe because it is being compared to the less than solid Vista (maybe this was all part of Microsoft's plan- Making an average product look impressive by releasing it after a real shocker to acheive a "good by comparison" sort of effect. Or it may be unfair to make this assumption, it may well be a stable and reliable system. One thing that is certain is that Microsoft has a large consumer fan base,who are very loyal to the company, whatever they do. Many companies have always seen Windows as the only option in the operation of their businesses, because they have the professional image. Because of this, they hold a large market share, so other companies are always striving to create things that stand out, that have the potential to lessn Microsoft's power and dominance in the market.

Which is where Apple comes in, another consumer electronics company which has always been a minority in the market. Even though the quality and innovation has seldom failed to outshine their competitiors, some people even go as far to say that Apple are 5 years ahead of other companies. Despite their consistant ability to design, manufacture and distribute incredible technology, they are still fighting a constant market share battle with Microsoft. Their share is building, ever so gradually, as people start to move over to Mac, in hope of an easier experience and more advanced technology and features. So when a Microsoft released a new operating system, Apple had to strike back, distract people from the initial hype that the announcement had created. The old saying fight fire with fire, can be adapted here to this subject- fight change with change. It has the ability to distract people, change their opinions rapidly and cause a sort of hyper confused state which consistantly leads to $1000's of dollars being transferred accross for the latest, the cutting edge. People want to keep up, change is seen as neccessary, those with 1990 Macintosh Classics in an era of touch screens and wireless connectivity would be simply laughed upon. Seen as old fashioned and unwelcoming of change, which comes in the form of updating technology. So, to distract any hype and confusion that may have arisen from the Windows 7 release... Apple released new products to direct those feelings and mindstates to their side, its genius. The same tool has been used in arguments and debating for years, in a way outdoing the previous "punch". The products are undoubtedly very impressive and will spark a mad rush to continue the pattern, get the latest, keep up with it, all in a confused hype that change creates.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Different cars, same fuels...

In 1885, the first car that ran on petrol was released. At the time it was revolutionary, an impressive display of engineering and mechanical advancement. A sign of what was to come in the future. At the time petrol was abundant, and it hadn't been discovered yet the effects the car's operation had on the environment. The design was based purely on function. Now, over 120 years later, there has been amazing progression in the design, efficiency and functionality, however, one thing hasn't changed, the fuel they run on. Mainly because of the power and control that the petrol providers hold, which even managed to singlehandedly stamp out an electric car surge in the 90s. This demonstrates how certain things can progress at such a rapid rate, while others will stay the same, even if it is really obvious that it is necessary to change- in the case of the petrol fuelled cars.

Here is a comparison between the first petrol car and a recent model of the Holden Commodore. See the clear differences (the more complicated and efficient design, improved aerodynamics, obvious colour progression) but keep in mind that both the cars, despite the huge time gap between them, still use the same fuel- petrol.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Ice Addict development.

This picture is very powerful, it shows the gradual, yet relatively rapid degenerative effects of a a drug addiction. In this case, it is crystal methamphetamine, which has quite obvious and extreme physical effects on the user as shown in this series of photos. It also demonstrates how aging is a process which accelerates and progresses at different rates for different people.

The main thing I took from this picture is how one initial change in behaviour and habits could create and dominate this woman's life for the next 10 years. Until, the initial change continued to grow and develop to a lethal level, causing her death. I am making an educated guess here, that this woman's lifestyle probably adapted and changed to her new habit. It also most likely affected her personal and family life to an irreparable level.

The image is confronting, but its quite a common occurrence. You sometimes even see similar cases on the street, which can be worrying because the drug causes the user to be unpredictable, violent and irrational.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Give Visa debit some credit, for their thought provoking ad that provides good material for analysis.

After seeing this ad last week, I thought it was interesting how they discussed change. Through a series of statements and accompanying images, they make it obvious to people how life would be very different if there was no development or as they put it "Evolution". It makes several comparisons between today's level of technology and the past. Through asking the viewer to imagine life without what we now consider normal, forces them to think about the life they would live if these conveniences had not been developed. The viewer is always being asked "how would you do this?" and "how would you do that?" The immediate thought is that nothing would be possible without todays technology. The ad implies that "keeping in touch with friends" is a new concept, only made possible by the development of technology. It talks with the tone as to make the person watching forget about the common previous form of communication of "writing letters". However, the ideas expressed in the advertisement are clever, as they hype up the idea, causing people watching into a mindset of dependence on modern digital technology. They are essentially using gradual change as a tool for people to question how they previously did things, which paired with comparisons, make it easy for people to see where they have been and how the development has made doing various tasks simple.

The ad can be seen below...

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Natural process.

The bruised kiwi fruit in the fruit bowl made me search for time lapse rotting fruit today. Because of the bruising, it is not desirable to eat (think squishy dishcloth). However it still sits there, waiting to be eaten by someone who doesn't know any better. It will continue to sit there, in the fruit bowl, as it looks perfectly normal. The feel is what lets it down. It made me think about how important the look of things are in the considerations made in peoples minds when purchasing items. While the person could be oblivious to how long its been sitting there, how much the flavour and texture have altered since picking, if it looks ok, it is considered "fresh".

The process of decomposition is completely natural, it is a gradual change in the structure of things until they become unrecognizable of their original state. With time-lapse photography, you are able to see changes and development over a long period of time, in a short, stitched together video. Its an effective way of showing slow changes and I feel the video below is a good example of showing something that would otherwise be unnoticed, or viewed as a fresh/rotten contrast.

Because of issues with blogger, the video cannot be embedded so you can see the video here...

David Wong Change Quote

Over the weekend, we have had a visitor staying with us. Having an extra person around at home somehow makes the house and attitudes different from usual. It is interesting how what seems like a small addition would create a comparatively large change in how the household feels. In this case it is very much a positive change, however there has been some earlier interesting experiences which haven't ended too well. When asked about his opinion on change, he paused, then said...

"Change is a state of mind" -David Wong.

You can interpret this statement in many ways, which will vary person to person. Think about it and post your reactions in a comment to this post.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Constant change demonstrated in AFL

While it may seem trivial and not very serious, the humble game of AFL is an excellent example of constant change having the ability to trigger a series of different emotions in rapid succession. Before a game there is much anticipation and uncertainty, once it begins, it may only take one simple moment to set off a explosion of anger or disappointment. More amplified in close games. The yo-yo-ing scores create happiness, enjoyment, pride while at the same time bringing anger, hatred and frustration.

Even one-sided matches can spark these emotions. Say a team was winning by a comfortable 50 points, the confidence is high, when the opposition kicks a few quick goals. While the once evident safety created through winning comes worry, concern and fear. It stems from people being unsure to what is going to happen, they have gone from a comforting position of being ahead to the fearful state of a possible loss. One thing that doesn't end when the siren goes is the same emotions that were present at at least one stage of the match. Whether it is disapproval of the umpires or a newly introduced rule, the emotions continue to flow.

Swap Hummer for EV's

I have been searching for cars recently and it has allowed me to see the scope and development of vehicles over the years. Further research has given me an insight into the mainstream cars of other countries compared with Australia. While the focus in the past 10 years in Australia has been on large utility vehicles that can carry the family, 15 suitcases and can go off road. Fuel consumption is often an afterthought in many peoples minds when considering purchasing a new car. The "need" to have a large car is often justified with having a lot to transport or increased safety. Looking at the "usual" in other countries such as Japan has been a true eye opener, yet not totally surprising. The majority of cars there are micro, have low fuel consumption and don't take up much space. It seems logical, less emissions, less impact, more economical, easier to drive.

However, as the oil supplies get lower, the more emphasis there is on vehicles that suit the situation. Many car producers are starting to design and manufacture electric vehicles. People are coming to the realisation that their car choices have been less than perfect and its time to start to choose something that will cope with the smaller (eventually non-existent) supply of oil. Toyota are leading in the australian market currently, with their hybrid Prius model. While it still requires petrol to operate, the amount is significantly reduced by the implementation of an energy capture system.

While the majority of the cars in Australia rely on petrol to drive, slowly there will be a transfer to these new types of cars, as people start to see that they are just as powerful and reliable, if not more, than traditional petrol run vehicles. Much of the hesistance to buy the electric cars is in the fear that they are different to what they have always driven, which people can have a hard time comprehending. However, the change will come and eventually, the petrol run car will be looked back on as a inefficient, foolish idea of the past.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Microsoft loss.

After years of dominating the computer world, Microsoft have released that they have made a quarterly profit loss.

"The world's largest software maker said on Thursday its profit dropped 32 per cent to $US2.98 billion ($A4.23 billion), or 33 cents per share. Sales in the fiscal third quarter slipped 6 per cent to $US13.65 billion ($A19.37 billion) from $US14.45 billion ($A20.51 billion) last year." The Age newspaper reported yesterday. It signals the downturn of a company that has heavily relied on its reputation as a solid system that is perfect for business and home use. However, with the gradual rise of Apple has proved that people will change their opinions relating to technology in particular efficient computing systems. Apple has always been seen by many people as a company that is kept alive by occupations that rely on graphics and other creative arts. With the introduction of software targetted to the areas which Microsoft usually have a stranglehold, Apple has slowly changed people's view of them and now many businesses (not just those relating to art) are switching to the more secure, less troublesome Apple technologies.

It shows that persistence and continuous design and production of a good product will eventuate into gradual domination of the market. The full article from The Age can be seen here:

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Cigarette Advertising

There has been a large shift in the way cigarettes are portrayed and advertised over the years. While the focus was very much on encouraging people to smoke, a change in government regulations caused these to be banned, to be replaced by anti-smoking ads. The top image is an old ad for cigarettes, it portrays it as a healthy habit, being cool with no negative consequences or side effects. The second image is a screen capture taken from a recent anti-smoking ad. It shows people the effects of smoking and the health problems it can create. It is an interesting contrast, that shows how change in government policy involving advertising can have a huge effect in influencing decisions.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Great Depression

In the 1930's, the economic situation changed, unemployment rose and global export and the amount of international trade was greatly decreased. It was all triggered by the collapse of the stock market. People had to readjust to the new situation that they found themselves in and they began to change their lifestyles in order to survive. They reduced the amount of waste, every dollar was spent very wisely and people were forced to re-use things that would once be considered throw away items. This depression proved that one event could change peoples overall emotions and feelings for a prolonged period of time. Above is a video explaining a little more about the depression, and the footage gives you an idea of the collective psyche at the time

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

From Aspic to Gel and Jus

The progression and changes in cooking and food over the years has proved interesting and in many cases humorous yet at the same time simply disgusting. Looking back, we are greeted with such recipes as "Corned Tongue in Aspic" (see picture) and various party food delights such as Devils on horseback, A masterful creation of a almond stuffed prune wrapped in bacon and baked. When further sophistication and class was required, the prune was replaced with an oyster, which was named Angels on Horseback. The focus was very much on heavy flavours, with a high level of processing which was then called cookery, the result was a confused mix of strong flavours where no independent tastes could be identified. While this can be said now, back then, it was seen as the height of sophistication, people would compete with each other, trying to be the most innovative.

Now, we are in an time where there is still a large variety of food, however the general trend is moving towards fresh simple flavours, with maybe only 2 or 3 flavours. The focus is towards good quality ingredients and doing little to them, allowing the true flavour to come through. Classic combinations are mainly featured, usually with an interesting twist or variation. However at the same time, another type of food is being developed... A scientific approach which incorporates gels, foams, jus' into small dishes that may take days to cook an
d prepare. The list of cooking methods (frying, baking, sauteeing, grilling) has expanded with techniques such as Sous Vide. This is when ingredients are placed in a plastic bag and vacuum sealed, then it is placed in a water bath and allowed to cook for up to a day. One thing that doesnt change is the fact that humans eat, we just change what we eat over time and through out our life.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Crossover Period.

A visual representation of gradual yet fast change and transition. I did not create this but i thought it was a clever way of showing the current US political leadership situation. It tells us that although there is a new leader, that the past decisions and policies will still remain in the minds of people. The creator of this image may not have done this on purpose, but by cutting the complete unmerged images of Barack Obama & George Bush, he has made a statement about how we are yet to see the complete potential of Obama and the inclusion of George W. shows that he used his time in office to influence many peoples thoughts and opinions. This will be one of the troubles Obama will face when attempting to change the future behaviour of the US populus. Another way of interpreting this image would be to suggest that it is showing the immense number of similarities between the past and present leader.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sorry Speech

On the 13th February 2008, Kevin Rudd made a monumental step in changing the relationship and future treatment of Aboriginal Australians. He identified that the treatment they received was injust and never to be repeated. He adressed the parliament with confidence while maintaining a level of professionalism that sparked the emotions of everyone who watched. It encouraged people of non-aboriginal descent to apologise to the past and present generations of Aboriginal people and to change their judgements, prejudices and misconceptions that they may previously had held. The following passage is taken from the Speech that was the start of a historic change in Australia.

"To the Stolen Generations, I say the following: as Prime Minister of Australia, I am sorry. On behalf of the Government of Australia, I am sorry. On behalf of the Parliament of Australia, I am sorry. And I offer you this apology without qualification. We apologise for the hurt, the pain and suffering we, the parliament, have caused you by the laws that previous parliaments have enacted. We apologise for the indignity, the degradation and the humiliation these laws embodied. We offer this apology to the mothers, the fathers, the brothers, the sisters, the families and the communities whose lives were ripped apart by the actions of successive governments under successive parliaments. In making this apology, I would also like to speak personally to the members of the Stolen Generation and their families: to those here today, so many of you; to those listening across the nation—from Yuendumu, in the central west of the Northern Territory, to Yabara, in North Queensland, and to Pitjantjatjara in South Australia."

The last section shows the intention of future discussion of the issue, to ensure the change is maintained and continued. Thought Kevin Rudd has come under some scrutiny to whether the sppech was simply a token gesture with little substance and following action. However, the speech was a effective tool to get people to accept the treatment was wrong and to talk about the issues that currently face the Aboriginal people of Australia.